===== Lesson plan for English language classes in Liceo Concetto Marchesi ===== Teacher: Eliana Guglielmino\\ Discipline: English\\ Age of students: 16-18\\ N. of students: 16\\ ===== Main used methodologies ===== Debate, Metacognitive, Flipped classroom/cooperative learning, Context and Contest ===== Theme of the lessons ===== Shakespeare's plays ===== Objectives & Outcomes ===== ==== Debate ==== Developing the ability to argue and the confrontation of ideas on a particular topic, using structured arguments ==== Metacognitiion ==== Developing effective learning; monitor and make adjustments during the lesson/activity to maximize learning; reflect about which learning strategies works and which did not ==== Flipped/cooperative learning ==== Team working to achieve a common goal; autonomous study and research ==== Context and Contest ==== Developing autonomous study and research; using digital tools and elearning platform; developing team working ===== Materials Needed ===== PC, LIM, Smartphones, Video – recorder ===== Resources, Worksheets, Task examples ===== Power point presentations; Internet resources; articles; videos ===== Activities ===== 1. text writing, reflecting on the best learning strategies, reflecting on common mistakes\\ 2. interviews\\ 3. debate about “Pupils’ homework should be abolished”\\ 4. group work and research about different aspects of Liepaja\\ 5. creation of a timeline presentation\\ ===== Assessment & Evaluation ===== Through the observation of participation and involvement in the activities ===== Comments ===== It was a pleasure to work on this project and share learning strategies with colleagues of other countries