===== Lesson plan for History classes in Kachialov gymnasium ===== Teacher: Veslana Zmitrovic (History), Irina Read (ESL)\\ Discipline: History/ESL\\ Age of students: 16-18\\ N. of students: 20\\ ===== Main used methodologies ===== CLIL/CONTEXT and CONTENT ===== Theme of the lessons ===== World History: The Renaissance ===== Objectives & Outcomes ===== Motivate students to learn History, develop research skills and encourage students to be more engaged in the learning process ===== Materials Needed ===== TEACHING TOOLS (apps., programmes and etc.) Kahoot Kahoot! https://create.kahoot.it/details/c321aa3e-0fdb-438f-acee-123b2025f570, wordwall.net https://wordwall.net/resource/546229/exit-ticket , google docs.file, Microsoft TEAMS-rooms, wikipedia ===== Resources, Worksheets, Task examples ===== ===== Activities ===== ===== Assessment & Evaluation ===== ===== Comments =====