===== Lesson plan for IT classes in Futura school ===== Teacher: Sofija Pinjušić Ćurić\\ Discipline/subject: IT subjects (Advanced and object-oriented programming)\\ Age of students: 17-18\\ N. of students: 21\\ ===== Main used methodologies ===== Debate & CLIL ===== Theme of the lessons ===== Introduction to advanced programming ===== Objectives & Outcomes ===== Learning objectives: This lesson will give students opportunity to practice critical thinking about using computers in everyday life and to practice speaking English language. Learning outcomes: Students will be able to give examples of upsides and downsides of using computers in everyday life. ===== Materials Needed ===== Whiteboard, marker, papers and pencils. ===== Resources, Worksheets, Task examples ===== Worksheet for evaluation/grading of groups. ===== Activities ===== - Teacher explains that in today’s lesson students will debate on the topic “Who will win in the end? Humans or computers? Why?”. Students and teacher will speak in English. - Students are divided into 3 groups – pro and con group plus the jury. Each group needs to think of 5 pros and cons depending on which group they are. Jury is responsible for picking the winners. - Representative of each group writes 5 pros or cons on the whiteboard. - Students from each group need to discuss and remove 3 of their weakest points. - For each group now there are only 2 points left. Job of each group is to look at the opposing groups points and think of arguments for 1 point that will speak to the contrary. - Jury announces the winners based on the arguments and using grading worksheet. ===== Assessment & Evaluation ===== Work of presenting groups is evaluated with the grading worksheet.