Teacher: Ivana Obradović
Discipline: English language
Age of students: 15 years old
N. of students: 14
Flipped Classroom, Cooperative Teaching and Context and Contest
“William Shakespeare (1564 – 1616)” – Reading, Speaking and Grammar (Past Tenses) (a double-period lesson)
teacher’s laptop with MS PowerPoint
whiteboard and markers
post-it papers
Oxford Headway Intermediate 5th Edition Student’s Book (textbook and its online version for the projection), pages 40-41
MS PowerPoint presentation
Kahoot.com (https://create.kahoot.it/share/headway-revision-1-t2/09d65f56-6f9c-43d0-8b94-e67f7e879a8b)
All in all, the lesson was successful, especially working in pair and group work in which students practiced their cooperative skills and whose good work results showed the importance of cooperative learning. The only downside was the part with flipped learning since some of the students did not read the text they were supposed to read on their own at home.
The lesson was created for the students of the first grade of the secondary vocational school for the computer technicians who are mainly all boys so the tasks which include competition are practically mandatory.