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Lesson plan for IT classes in Futura school

Teacher: Sofija Pinjušić Ćurić
Discipline/subject: IT subjects (Advanced and object-oriented programming)
Age of students: 17-18
N. of students: 21

Main used methodologies

Debate & CLIL

Theme of the lessons

Introduction to advanced programming

Objectives & Outcomes

Learning objectives: This lesson will give students opportunity to practice critical thinking about using computers in everyday life and to practice speaking English language. Learning outcomes: Students will be able to give examples of upsides and downsides of using computers in everyday life.

Materials Needed

Whiteboard, marker, papers and pencils.

Resources, Worksheets, Task examples

Worksheet for evaluation/grading of groups.


  1. Teacher explains that in today’s lesson students will debate on the topic “Who will win in the end? Humans or computers? Why?”. Students and teacher will speak in English.
  2. Students are divided into 3 groups – pro and con group plus the jury. Each group needs to think of 5 pros and cons depending on which group they are. Jury is responsible for picking the winners.
  3. Representative of each group writes 5 pros or cons on the whiteboard.
  4. Students from each group need to discuss and remove 3 of their weakest points.
  5. For each group now there are only 2 points left. Job of each group is to look at the opposing groups points and think of arguments for 1 point that will speak to the contrary.
  6. Jury announces the winners based on the arguments and using grading worksheet.

Assessment & Evaluation

Work of presenting groups is evaluated with the grading worksheet.

itfutura.txt · Last modified: 2021/10/08 19:23 by WikiReal Admin