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Lesson plan for Science classes in Liceo Concetto Marchesi

Teacher: Marisa Salvatrice Ferriolo
Discipline: Biology
Age of students: 15-17
N. of students: 15

Main used methodologies

CLIL ( Content and Language Integrated Learning)
Flipped Classroom

Theme of the lessons

Blood glucose and Diabetes

Objectives & Outcomes

Understand the blood glucose structure.
Understand what Diabetes is.
Describe the best practice in order to be healthy

Materials Needed

Paper Worksheets

Resources, Worksheets, Task examples

Worksheet for students, containing links to the video and open minded question about the topic.
Classroom with LIM and pc connected to the Internet.


1 FLIPPED CLASSROOM and CLIL: Students watch a video about a specific topic in English ( Blood glucose and Diabetes); Students work in group to answer some questions about the topic. At the end of the lesson, students will explain their conclusions to the classmates and the teacher
2. EXPERENZIAL LEARNING: Students will realize a short video about the previous lesson.
3. DEBATE: Students will debate about pros and cons in a CLIL lesson. Students will form three groups. One of them will analyze the pros into CLIL lessons, the second one will discuss about the cons into CLIL lesson. The third group represents the Jury. The Jurors will assure that the parts debate according to the debate rules ( speaking time etc.).
4 EXPERENZIAL LEARNING. Students will conduct an interview with the Science teachers of the school about the typology and informative aspects of the Reflective lessons.

Assessment & Evaluation


sciencemarchesi.txt · Last modified: 2021/10/08 18:49 by WikiReal Admin