Ultima modifica: 22 febbraio 2016

Visita all’INGV

Lava flows from the Mount Etna volcano o...Lava flows from the Mount Etna volcano on the southern Italian island of Sicily near Catania early on December 16, 2013. The eruption of the Mount Etna volcano in Sicily yesterday forced the closure of nearby Catania airport because of the plumes of ash billowing into the sky, airport officials said. Twenty-one scheduled departures from Catania had to be scrapped and 26 arrivals re-routed to alternative destinations. The smaller airport of Comiso in the area was also closed down. AFP PHOTO / GIOVANNI ISOLINOGIOVANNI ISOLINO/AFP/Getty Images

Si informano gli alunni delle classi IA/C – IB/C – IC/C – IC/S – IG/S- IA/T che, come da programmazione del dipartimento di scienze, si recheranno in visita presso l’INGV – Osservatorio Etneo, Sezione di Catania secondo il seguente calendario:




Data              Classi              Docenti accompagnatori

31/03/2016 I A/C – I C/S Rametta – Sferrazza

07/04/2016 I C/C – 1 A/T Rametta – Messina

28/04/2016 I B/C – I G/S Greco – Cirvilleri

Per ulteriori dettagli si veda l’allegata circolare

visita INGV – Osservatorio Etneo, Sezione di Catania